Sunday, February 27, 2011


Before I presented you all with my bucket list, I thought I would show you a clip from my favorite movie that ALWAYS comes to mind when anyone mentions a bucket list. But of course, I couldn't find it online at all.
So here is a link from Easy A, my favorite movie, that is completely unrelated to our assignment but that I want to share with you all. WOODCHUCKS!! and, of course, "WHO TOLD YOU?!"

For those of you who don't know, I'm an obsessive planner. So one day, before I asked J. Clay to meet with me to plan out my life (or my classes), I showed her my bucket list. And, thus, this assignment was born. So here is my bucket list!

(That was for those of you who have seen Easy A, and know what I'm talking about.) 
  • Own a pet sheep (or at least see one in real life)
  • Go sky diving or cliff diving
  •   Study abroad- preferably in Cambridge
  •   Meet Taylor Swift and ask her to be my best friend
  • See a shooting star
  • Spend a full night on the beach in Hawaii, then watch the sun rise
  • Watch the sunrise from the top of a mountain
  •  Have something I wrote published 
  • Go back to NYC
  • Construct a closet like Carrie from Sex And The City
  • Win a rap battle
  • Write a book
  •  Mission trip to Africa 
  • Build a house with Habitat for Humanity
  • Take a spontaneous trip with no plan 
  • Order 50 McNuggets and eat them all
My bucket list video will follow shortly. :)

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