Monday, February 7, 2011

Fear: What are you afraid of?

According to, fear is...


a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain,etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling orcondition of being afraid.
a specific instance of or propensity for such a feeling: anabnormal fear of heights.
concern or anxiety; solicitude: a fear for someone's safety.
reverential awe, especially toward god.
that which causes a feeling of being afraid; that of which aperson is afraid: Cancer is a common fear.

 I'm so excited about the positive reaction to my new topic! I thought I'd continue to focus on my biggest fear- athazagoraphobia. As I was doing research for my post, I had The Princess Diaries on in the background. I was having trouble finding a place to start, so I took a "mental break" (aka procrastinated) and watched. The movie was at the part where Mia and Lilly are fighting because Mia forget to come to Lilly's radio show Saturday night, and Mia confesses that she decided not to accept the job as princess. Lilly begins to explain why Mia should reconsider, and their conversation stuck with me:

Lilly: "Wanting to rock the world, but having zero power, that sucks. But you? Wow."
Mia: "What is wow?"
Lilly: "Wow is having the power to affect change, to make people listen. How many teenagers have that opportunity? It's a miracle."

That is my thought process in a nutshell. I want to make an impact. Brenau has helped me grow so much already-- mostly because I'm learning to step out of my shell even when I'm scared-- and I want to give back as much as I can. Even years after I've graduated, I want students and faculty alike to remember all of the positive things I've done for the school. I'm not exactly a fearless leader. I'm awkward and get so nervous that my hands shake when I talk in front of people. But regardless of this, I want the power to affect change and to make people listen. I don't want to be forgotten.

What are you afraid of? Heights? Open spaces? Chickens? Men? The first step I took when researching fear was to look for a phobia list. You'd be surprised at all of the different phobias that people suffer from! Some are bizarre and entertaining, some are extremely common, and some might just apply to you. But I'm curious- what scares you? Take a look at the list below and let me know what you find. This blog has become a small step that I'm taking to affect change and have people listen. Yes I know... you're required to read, it's your grade. But I'm hoping that it'll help you as much as I hope it will help me. :)

So tell me... What are you afraid of?

Next week? "I'll see you then, or I'll see you another time." - I Love You, Man.


  1. Arachnophobia. Hands down. I am scared of spiders. Check out this short clip and you will see why:
    I pretty much react just as the lady did in this commercial.
    Neat phobia list by the way. I didn't know that a "scientific" name existed for the fear of having peanut butter stick to the roof of your mouth.

  2. That clip was awesome! I'm definitely afraid of spiders, too. They make my skin crawl! I had a lot of fun looking through the phobia list. Who knew there was an actual phobia of men? Or chickens?!
