Friday, March 18, 2011

The fear of having no readers...

This week, I've invented my own fear: the fear of no one reading my blog. So, as assigned, I made this advertisement! Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What're you most afraid of?

This week, our assignment was to create a poll or quiz. I've asked you all before what you're afraid of, but I'm interested to see what your biggest fear is out of the most common ones. So tell me: What are you afraid of?

Also, I've added a new fear to my list: Earthquakes.

What happened in Japan is all over the news, so I'm sure you know what's happening. But doesn't it scare you that it could happen to anyone, anywhere? (Plus, Taylor Swift was in Japan the week before this happened. She donated 10 MILLION dollars to the cause. Another reason why she's so awesome.) But anyways, it made me realize a lot. I've set so many long distance goals in order to make my mark before I die, caused by my fear of being forgotten. But who knows when that will be? And why do they have to be long term goals? There are plenty of things that I could be doing right this very moment to make a difference. So I am. You should, too.

See you next week!